Monday, February 18, 2013

Top Ten Things to Know About Being Vegan (with all new video)

10.  Being a vegan is so much better for you than being vegetarian, but no where near as easy.

9. You need to go buy stock in black bean makers because you will be eating A LOT of them so you might as well get rich. But being vegan does not mean you should put black beans in spaghetti. There are just too many things wrong with that

8. A lot of stuff we do in life is tied to food and not the most healthy food usually--ie.: Superbowl equals chicken wings, Valentine's Day equals filet mignon, and going to the Lake House equals burgers on the grill. You have to change how you define fun.

7. Being either vegan or vegetarian means that the majority of what you eat SHOULD be vegetables. Being a vegetarian is not the same as a cheesetarian.

6. People look at you funny when you tell them you are vegan especially when you are an overweight old guy--servers actually laugh at us. Guess it just doesn't fit with their stereotype.

5. You might not lose weight at first being vegan but you will eventually so keep at it. You will not lose as much weight beging "vegetarian" aka cheesetarian.

4. Eating out is not a good idea if you are vegan unless you have an assortment of vegan restaurants around you. FYI--Applebee's and Chili's and all the other 'SSSS are NOT places for vegans to go. BTW--vegetarians shouldn't go to Chick Fil A either even if their 9 year old daughters beg. The suburbs just don't make this easy.

3. Cognitive function does seem to suffer under this diet probably because we are not doing it right but nevertheless we are both pretty dimwitted right now. I said that Gerald Ford took over for President Carter last night and watch the video to see what Tyler forgot teaching math the other day. Wow!

2. You don't really miss the meat--just the convenience of cooking meat or ordering meat at a restaurant.

and the number 1 thing you need to know about being VEGAN is:

1. IT'S REALLY HARD but you just gotta stick with it. It is the best diet out there because being a vegan is very black and white. There is no excusing this or that--it's just not allowed. Plus it's worth it if you reduce your impact on the planet and lose a little weight in the process. But then again, Tyler is already planning on chicken wings for March 1st. Tisk tisk!

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